
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Date Prophecy Titlessort descending Related Fulfillments Videos
281 7/26/2010 God will 'wave his hand' in CENTRAL AMERICA
282 5/4/2012 God's judgement is upon the land
283 6/19/2007 God's Revival will fall shortly on a 'Holy Remnant'
284 10/1/2005 Gods 'Finger of Fire' Will Come Upon The Earth Shortly
285 6/9/2012 Gospel artists may get involved with backsliding
286 7/4/2012 Gospel preacher, Fire truck, senior Approval, more fires on earth, USA hard hit
287 4/4/2004 Gospel television under great attack.
288 3/22/2008 Government Official steps down shortly
289 11/14/2012 Great body of Water, Sudden Earthquake, Woman Screams, Dead bodies
290 12/12/2013 Great Calamity In The EAST 1
291 4/15/2012 Great Crumbling.... Middle East beware
292 5/24/2012 Great Distress and perplexity looms upon the USA 1
293 5/10/2013 Great Distress Coming- Southeast USA
294 11/16/2012 Great distress, Perplexity upon UK, nearby Countries Beware
295 1/18/2011 Great Earthquake will strike Austria.
296 7/21/2012 Great earthquakes shall strike the Far East shortly. 2
297 7/21/2012 Great earthquakes shall strike the Far East shortly. 1
298 2/14/2012 Great elemental disaster looms upon a North East USA city 2
299 11/16/2011 Great Elemental disaster will strike the east.
300 3/22/2013 Great Fire Brings Tragedy To The USA 4
301 8/3/2011 Great Flood Engulfs the North East of America
302 2/23/2014 Great Flood In Jamaica
303 10/12/2013 Great Flood Southeast USA 2
304 9/19/2010 Great Flood to his Jamaica & Caribbean
305 11/9/2012 Great flooding is determined on the Americas in short order
306 10/11/2011 Great Servant of God in USA will die shortly
308 3/17/2013 Great Servant Of God Utilizes The World Revival Movement
309 7/28/2013 Great Tragedy In Arizona 1
310 5/27/2006 Great tragedy looms towards mockery of Jesus Christ.
311 9/8/2012 Great Tragedy upon Japan region 1
312 3/22/2013 Great Wind Brings Tragedy To The USA 2
313 12/3/2012 Gross darkness will come upon the Americas shortly
315 9/9/2002 Harlot Assistance.
316 12/30/2010 Head Of State Seen in Charity Support Line
317 1/22/2013 Heard 100 feet Python
318 8/28/2012 Heavy rains appear to become like fire 1
319 8/13/2013 HIKERS - Danger of Fire, Snakes, Electrocution, Mugging



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