
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Date Prophecy Titlessort descending Related Fulfillments Videos
321 12/28/2012 Huge weather ball to depict earthquake 1
322 2/14/2008 Hurry, Darkness is coming
323 12/6/2012 I am raising My hand wake up New York
324 1/2/2009 I AM THAT I AM 1
325 8/10/2012 I am turning the tables in a moment when you think not.
326 10/24/2010 I hear a sound in the Spirit 'TUP-TUP'
327 12/31/2010 I hear the word 'Neolithic'.
328 4/29/2010 I Hear the Word RIFLE
329 9/30/2011 I Heard a bell tone in F#
330 10/17/2005 I heard the letters A C E H
331 8/10/2012 I will not repent. Great outcome in the East. The waters will rise.
332 10/20/2013 I will shake the foundations of the earth's course
333 2/16/2012 Image of a tidal wave or tsunami on the earth
334 9/11/2012 Image of the wife of USA President is seen standing reading a book.
335 10/29/2008 Immigrants intimidated. They seek help from churches
336 10/1/2006 Immigration Crackdown: Immigrants will have much difficulty
337 2/17/2012 Imminent tragedy looms on the earth - 170+ to die
338 1/2/2009 In 'ONE DAY'
339 8/28/2012 In a moment when you think not
340 11/11/2012 In a quick flash, the words September 19 or thereabout is heard.
341 9/16/2012 In a vision countries Canada, America, Britain and Russia
342 5/15/2012 In a vision a great flood is warns and gathers 1
343 9/4/2011 In a vision SUNDAY is heard
344 4/15/2012 In a vision, fire and smoke 1
345 2/8/2013 In a visionary flash, two large weather balls are seen. 1
346 5/7/2011 In USA, People Seen Swimming Seemingly In a Pool
347 8/11/2012 Increase in man made weapons for fear of life
348 12/4/2011 Increase In Persecution of Christians in the East
349 11/26/2006 INDIA under attack
350 5/1/2012 India: Be Converted
351 2/3/2013 Individuals struggle with the God-ship of Jesus Christ
352 7/21/2012 Insolence increases
353 5/15/2007 Instant personal Credit information 1
354 5/4/2011 International Terrorist / Warmonger, Incapacitated Shortly
356 5/18/2003 Islamic militancy punished heavily by God.
357 8/1/2003 Islamic Terrorist are the worms on fisihing hook, identify the fisherman
358 11/1/2007 It is God's Providence that the barriers of immigration be dropped.
359 11/1/2001 It's God's Providence that Immigration Barriers be dropped
360 11/19/2010 Italy is on God's Radar 1



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