To the Ministers of the Gospel worldwide

Original Date of Prophecy:

Mon, 8/6/2012 12:00am EDT

Complete Prophecy:

REVELATION: To the Ministers of the Gospel worldwide: Thus
saith the Lord, "The axe is laid at the root. Call forth the four winds of the earth.
Let us prepare for battle. I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I God am
displeased with your vain glorying. What seekest thou, fame and publication for
thine own self? Beware the leaven of the Pharisees. Behold the Lamb of God. My
return is short. Howbeit that you stand not and watch over the sheep? My
servants, my ministers, feed my sheep before the clock breaks and time is no
more. Feed my sheep for they are ignorant of my ways. They know not how to
walk, they are unaware of themselves and how I God can change their being from
mortal to immortality."


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