
John 13: 19 - Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he

Many great servants of God utter prophecies that appear to fail. Many of these vessels did receive genuine revelations from Christ. They however did not utilize the vast treasure in Scripture available to ensure that they never fail nor be delayed unrealistically.

***Please note that many of the fulfillments are not yet posted as it takes a lot of effort to comb through our old site content as far back as 1999.***

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# Datesort ascending Prophecy Titles Related Fulfillments Videos
201 2/10/2013 A DANGEROUS!!! TRIP!!!
202 2/8/2013 In a visionary flash, two large weather balls are seen. 1
203 2/8/2013 Global Earthquakes Never Seen In History 2
204 2/3/2013 A great ministry is in danger of a ‘mingling’ attack
205 2/3/2013 Individuals struggle with the God-ship of Jesus Christ
206 2/2/2013 Malie Bloody Warfare: French Troops Crush Islamic militants 1
207 2/1/2013 Monsterous tsunami,determined in the Asia - Australia region 4
208 2/1/2013 Jamaica West Indies is seen greatly damaged by a great tragedy.
209 2/1/2013 A monstrous tsunami, tidal wave or storm surge like calamity is determined in the Asia-Australia region. 5
210 1/30/2013 Many TREES DOWN - Fulfilled TEXAS GEORGIA TORNADOES
211 1/29/2013 A weather ball is in the Japan - Russia Region 7
212 1/25/2013 The Beginnings of a New World Ordeer 2
213 1/22/2013 Heard 100 feet Python
214 1/21/2013 'Synarchy' - NEW WORLD ORDER 3
215 1/20/2013 Monsterous tsunami like calamity in the Asia region
216 1/18/2013 A tsunami like flood is imminent on the earth
217 1/18/2013 A child of God decides to return to a community for revenge
218 1/14/2013 A major earthquake in the North Atlantic Ocean 2
219 1/14/2013 Pastor is intimidated by criticism that his leadership is not democratic
220 1/14/2013 More dangerous flooding in Eastern USA
221 1/14/2013 A major road accident is imminent in Europe
222 1/11/2013 Electric/Electronic cyber-quake ravages communications systems of the earth 5
223 1/11/2013 A major mishap or attack is imminent on the electrical grid of the USA 1
224 1/11/2013 electrical system and or the internet experiences major breakdown 4
225 12/30/2012 A spirit of death looms
226 12/30/2012 Powerful Christian church about to suffer major challenge
227 12/28/2012 A huge Eathquake to strike earth 1
228 12/28/2012 Huge weather ball to depict earthquake 1
229 12/28/2012 Major attack on a great servant of God and his ministry
230 12/27/2012 Major elemental disaster in the Northeast USA 1
231 12/26/2012 CHILE Powerful 5.5 EARTHQUAKE
232 12/23/2012 Strong earthquake in Alaska 5
233 12/23/2012 Weather ball is seen on an elongated island or island chain. 12
234 12/20/2012 Major Earthquake N.E of Australia S.E from India/China 5
235 12/9/2012 A believer encourages leader to affiliate with the Harvest Army Church International
236 12/8/2012 Major earthquake upon region of Guatemala to Venezuela 1
237 12/7/2012 A major elemental disaster will strike Southwest USA 1
238 12/6/2012 Large colored weather ball is seen in the lower region of Central America 3
239 12/6/2012 I am raising My hand wake up New York
240 12/3/2012 Gross darkness will come upon the Americas shortly



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