Original Date of Prophecy:

Sun, 1/16/2011 12:00am EST

Complete Prophecy:

'MIDNIGHT CRY' “God gave a revelation of buildings destroyed leaving only the foundation in some places. Sanitary systems and sanitary building destroyed. An then the Lord revealed Gatherers, 'Great Gatherers', 'Harvesters', roaming up the streets back and forth shouting repent, repent, for the judgment of God is near. I see the Gatherers, a particular Gatherer, then a particular Gatherer roaming up the street, roaming up the block to turn. ‘Midnight Cry’. A ‘Midnight Cry’ is coming. The building are seen torn down. Some are left with only stumps. Some are left with only pillars, or the foundations but the tops are gone. A ‘Midnight Cry’ is coming, a Midnight Cry’. God is sick and tired of man’s behavior. Man is about to die like flies. Man is about to die"

[Exact words of prophecy 'live' before New York and worldwide internet audience - World Revival service].

See video of prophecy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_NxmvLRKto


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